Every Day is a Poem Writing Challenge #9 - Listening to the Poetic Universe

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

As I sit down to write day nine's post, I find myself at a loss.  This is a complex chapter talking about so many things that touch something deep within me.  It could be easily separated into several chapters as there is just so much to ponder here. So like the last few, I have to accept in one day I can only embrace a little of it and commit to revisiting it in the future to mine even deeper.

Chapter nine is about listening to that inner voice, what the "universe" is trying to tell you. The words could come from dreams, from daily rituals you embrace, from thoughts that arise on walks - and the list goes on.  It's a complex chapter that even choosing a quote from is not easy.  

Photo by Ansh Minchekar on Unsplash
As my chaotic thoughts swirl, I finally grab onto a single one to focus on for today and that is the idea of creating personal rituals. For the author, that ritual includes quiet moments every morning and evening sitting at an altar with candles lit, but it can be anything that works for you. 

"Each day brings a new question - which step to take, which direction makes sense for me - and I've found the best way to sift through all of the questions is to create a practice around it." 
- Jaqueline Suskin, Every Day is a Poem

The idea of creating a ritual has great meaning to me in this moment as, after years of struggling with procrastination in all areas of my life, I am starting to move forward. This shift came about because of my new understanding of how to change habits.  For me, in this moment in my life, I realized I needed to create a new habit of just showing up, in my writing in particular.

Showing up has an implied companion and that is doing the work, but you can define what it means to you in so many different ways. For me, my time showing up as a writer could include work on a new book, a magazine article, a blog, or even something outside the box such as a flash fiction piece that I have no intention of publishing.  Showing up means I sit at my desk and write - and showing up inspired my poem today.

Photo by Rebe Pascual on Unsplash

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Showing Up

After year of getting lost
In the planning and dreaming.
After untold hours of
Not finding my voice.
I choose to embrace the ritual
Of simply showing up.

Each day I find a time
To sit and stare at the screen,
My fingers on the keys,
My heart beating wildly,
While I worry that 
The words won't come.

Whether they do or do not,
I am committed to showing up.
Every day I will take the steps,
Some days slowly and reluctantly,
To put my fingers on the keyboard.

There are days that
Passion flows through my fingers,
That the words are like a river
So strong and sure.
I end my day full of joy
With the moment I have captured.

Other days the words
Hide in the shadows.
They are hard to find,
And difficult to write.
But in my heart I know
Each day's writing matters.

So here's to chatty days,
Here's to the silent days,
Here's to the journey,
Here's to acceptance.
I embrace the ritual.
Of simply showing up. 
