I connected with Lauren Carr, murder mystery author, through my work. Always an avid reader, in 2015 I decided to sign up with iRead Book Tours as a reviewer for their digital book tours.
In the beginning, I chose to review every book that looked interesting and was writing numerous reviews each month. As time went on, I had the pleasure of working with a few authors several times. Of these, my favorite is murder mystery writer Lauren Carr who has over 25 titles published and continues to release 3 new novels each year.Lauren Carr
I love reading murder mystery stories – the intrigue, the danger, the suspense. I love well-developed, intelligent, strong characters – both men and women. But I also prefer authors that avoid going too dark and disturbing. I want to be able to sleep afterward. Lauren Carr offers all this plus a truly unique cast of pets with as much personality as their owners.
I love reading murder mystery stories – the intrigue, the danger, the suspense. I love well-developed, intelligent, strong characters – both men and women. But I also prefer authors that avoid going too dark and disturbing. I want to be able to sleep afterward. Lauren Carr offers all this plus a truly unique cast of pets with as much personality as their owners.
One day I finally had the chance to interview Carr and was totally intrigued. While I intend to include her story in a future book, I want to share a bit of her story now with At Forty Five readers. Embracing fully who she was – a writer – was accomplished when she took a leap of faith and walked away from her “safe” career. Everyone around her thought it was a mistake. Thank goodness she didn’t listen to them.
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Can you share a bit about your journey to writing? Looking back, how early did this interest start and how did it develop over the years.
I believe writers are born writers. Either you’re a storyteller or you’re not. Even before I could read or write, I was making up stories. If someone asks me how my day was, I can’t just say, “Fine.” I have to set the scene, establish all of the characters, and build to a thrilling climax.
My mother was a big reader and she loved murder mysteries. She’d read.......
Read the full interview HERE!
A selection of the many titles written by this amazing author!
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