Interview With Julie Ann, Founder of Influence Publishing, InspireABook, and Podcaster

Can you share a brief note about how you founded Influence Publishing and about the unique focus it holds. What is your guiding purpose that guides your company?

Influence Publishing was founded in 2010 to provide book publishing solutions for wisdom keepers who wanted to keep full control of their intellectual property while receiving the full professional services of a “traditional” publisher. We have now published over 300 authors. Our purpose was to help “Influence” the world with knowledge generally outside the mainstream media, such as alternative health, spirituality and consciousness, emotional intelligence, mental health, women empowerment, and entrepreneurship. 

Writers working on their manuscripts at retreats in Mexico and France!

We offer “partner” publishing where the author pays for our expert professional services but retains 100% rights and royalties. Even today, the “self-publishing” options are often confusing and expensive and even “self” published authors lose their rights and royalties without even realizing it. Education and professional advice help the author to make a professional “first impression” with their first publication. Influence specializes in the book development to ensure it is aligned with the authors brand and message.

The Gift of Dyslexia | Julie Salisbury | TEDxGastownWomen

I understand you have a brand new 6 week mastermind workshop starting on Oct. 12th called Living Life on Purpose, at an incredibly low price of $997 USD - way below your normal pricing. Can you share a bit about who this workshop is perfect for?

In this current climate of world change, many are being called to re-evaluate their life and many are considering major changes in location, vocation and personal values and beliefs. Many of us have been challenged with the changes thrust upon us, forcing us outside our comfort zone. I am good example of this with the recent death of my fiancée. Those who are listening to the call to evaluate their life are seeking like-minded people to “brain-storm” their ideas and dreams. 
I wanted to offer a safe, non-judgmental community of people who could express their ideal “dream life” or talk it out in a positive environment to get clarity on their ultimate purpose and service to the world and recognize their true gifts. Now is the call to be of greater service to the world and my purpose is to help those who feel the calling, to “unlock’ their story and gift and then affirm it to the world by joining me in a published book, announcing to the world, their unique talent and wisdom.

What kinds of things are covered in the 6 weeks (4 regular sessions and 2 bonus sessions) and what can motivated participants expect to achieve by the end?

In six - 2 hour interactive zoom meetings, I will be leading the group in a mastermind to help each person to get clarity on their purpose in life. For many people they do not recognize their gifts, or they have not stepped fully into sharing their gifts, because of the fear of judgment. We will help each person to get real clarity on their gifts, sometimes clearly in sight for others! Often it just takes the simple act of holding up a mirror for the person to help them reflect on their life and the many times they have been complimented on their gifts. 

A few of the many authors I have worked with - we have become family!

We will tackle all the common obstacles such as money, self-esteem, imposter syndrome, perfectionism, judgement, motivation and friends and family pressure to conform to expectations. We will work on limiting beliefs and affirm and manifest our greatest dreams. As the leader of this mastermind, I will be demonstrating my own manifesting ability and inspiring the group to stay motivated and committed to affirming to the world their true authentic gifts in service.

By the end of the 6 weeks you will have the first draft of your “chapter” affirming to the world what you life purpose is! The collaborative book will be published in the New Year and you can truly step into that life fully in 2022!

Authors having book signings and sales at events. 

There is an incredible bonus attached to this mastermind - the opportunity to be in a new collaborative book you are personally creating. What are the benefits of being in a collaborative book? Can this be a stepping stone to writing a full book?

Influence Publishing has partnered with 6 previous organizations to produce a book with 10 to 20 authors representing their organization. The Woman of Worth organization will be recruiting for the 10th book in the series this fall. This book is quite different to those in that the purpose of this book is to represent all the people who attend the 6-week program and affirm their life purpose by writing it in this publication. 

Article by Julie on eVision Media - click HERE!

One of the important steps in manifesting your greatest desires is to “feel” and “act as if” you are already living that life. A best-selling book is the perfect way to truly commit to your new life. All the participants will be joining me in sharing my own personal story how the death of my fiancée led to this new understanding of my own purpose in life, to help other people unlock their story and to serve many more people than my traditional “one on one” service. 

Many people who experience writing as a collaborative team for a book are often inspired to then go on and share their full story in their own book.

Every Woman has a Story - Julie Ann on the Luisa Marshall Show

What is the theme of this book and what is the word count each author will be allowed?

The title of the book will be “Life on Purpose” and will feature the stories of those who attend the 6-week mastermind and how they unlocked their story to discover their true life calling. The goal of the book is to inspire more people to understand the process of looking for your true gifts in your life. The word count will depend on the number of people who are in the program but it will likely be around 1500 words.

How can we get signed up for this amazing opportunity?

Please visit Programs and Webinars - Influence Publishing to see the week by week agenda and to register. Limited places available, please register asap to secure your spot! You can also listen to a free 2 hour webinar by emailing and requesting the zoom link to watch the recording. It will give you a feel for the facilitator and the content.

Anything else you'd like to share in closing?

I am excited to announce I will also be launching a new podcast show entitled “Life on Purpose” with Julie Ann in Joy the same week that this program starts. This podcast will be focused on inspiring more people to live a life on purpose. On each weekly show I will be interviewing people about their gifts in service, as well as sharing more on my personal story of my own gifts and how I discovered them.

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