"You have to ask yourself this very important question: What do I serve? Some people serve God, some people serve themselves, some people serve their community. It's okay if you can't answer this question yet, but I suggest you come back to the question every day until you can." - Quote included without credit in Every Day is a Poem.
Purpose is a subject we hear about a lot in these times. What is your purpose? Do you know your purpose? Do we all have a purpose? The list of questions on this subject that swirl around us goes on and on. It can be challenging if you are at a place in life that the answer is not clear. I know it took me five decades of living unaware before I begin to figure out what mine was.
The day I fell into interviewing by answering a Craigslist ad literally changed my life. I discovered while conducting my first interview that hearing someone share their story rocked my world. The focus of interviewing was also positive. I would hear their stories - which scratched my itch, my and quieted my curiosity - and in return would write a magazine article to promote them. It was a total win/win for each side.
Hearing people share their stories was hands down my passion, and for years filled me to the brim. That did change. I eventually came to understand there was way more to it. There was a reason for this passion and that was tied up with my purpose, my why?
Writing was never my first love. It came fairly easy to me in school, but it did take time for me to gain my skills writing for magazines. Also needed was constant practice so I could learn to listen more effectively, so I could really hear what was hiding behind their words. However, over time I came to enjoy the act of writing on its own, but interviewing was still my first love.
It took time working with a mentor for several years before my purpose to start to appear. I don't think there really was one answer to the question of why I was here. Purpose can have many sides to it, and I suspect I will take many years to discover the all the facets of mine.
- First, my purpose is to give wings to the stories of others. I believe all stories are important and need to be shared.
- Second, by sharing the incredible diversity of life journeys out there, I hopefully help others give themselves permission to accept their own uniqueness. You ARE who you are meant to be. Embrace yourself as you are. Don't try to change for others. You are here for a reason only you can fulfill.
- Third, to help the world understand the importance of diversity and to celebrate the joy of discovery as we choose to embrace humanity's uniqueness. The acceptance we offer ourselves, we must also offer to others.
- Fourth - in this past year I have felt the call of digging deeper on my purpose. There is something there, buried deep, still be be discovered. (2024 Update - Over the last few years, writing has become my major focus. I miss interviewing and hope to return to it, but for now, I am immersed in putting words to paper.)
Are you struggling to figure out your purpose? I think a good place to start is exploring exactly where your passions lie. Next try to explore the "why" behind those passions. Why do they draw you? Can they be infused with meaning and purpose? How is there a way to embrace them that will lift others up? More than anything, be patient and try to stay open without expectation. Your purpose will arrive exactly when it is meant to, and it may be unexpected. Mine was.
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