Poetry - Can You Remember?


Can You Remember
by Marilyn R. Wilson

Can you remember...

Born into this world.
Perfect and complete.
Fully formed.

Can you remember...

Being received with love.
Gratitude for the gift of you.
Cherished and celebrated.

Can you remember...

The subtle shifts.
Acceptance bartered.
Expectation to conform.

Can you remember...

Love as a reward,
A prize for conformity,
For being acceptable.

Can you remember...

The tears and the rage.
The seed planted
That you were broken.

Can you remember...

Years of self-loathing.
Despair and a deep sadness
That colored your world.

Can you remember...

The day the world shifted.
Words spoken that acknowledge
The perfection you were at birth.

Can you remember...

The freeing words from the universe
Flowing out through your mentor.
I see you...I honor you...I celebrate you.

Can you remember...

Who you arrived here as,
Before the world told you 
Who you should be.

Can you remember....
