Phoenix Poetry Day 10 - On This Day and Driving in a Snowstorm

Day 10 of the Phoenix poetry challenge offered rising from the ashes, rebirth, and things being better after a purging fire as inspiration.  For me this is honestly too close to the inspiration of previous days to come up with 2 new poems.  So I am letting this inspiration slide and will simply write 2 poems of my own inspiration. The first is inspired by my recent birthday. The second a tongue and cheek attempt at humor inspired the huge snow fall happening outside my window. Humor is always a challenge.

Photo by Robert Linder on Unsplash

On This Day
by Marilyn R Wilson

In 1955 Disneyland opened,
Salk's vaccine was declared safe,
Rosa Parks was arrested,
The Mickey Mouse Club debuted.

The Warsaw Pack was signed,
On the Waterfront won the Oscar,
The Vietnam War started,
First Guiness Book was released.

The St. Lawrence Seaway was opened.
Indian Civil Rights Act became law, 
Emmett Till kidnapped and murdered.
He was only 14 years old.

Frank Sintra scored the top album,
No Nobel Peace Prize awarded,
Gas was 23 cents a gallon.
Movie ticket just $.45.

Women sported girdles and pixies,
Men wingtip shoes and sideburns,
I Love Lucy topped the ratings,
The first microwave was built,

But on the 16th of January,
In the year 1955,
Is a day I hold most important as,
On this day I was born. 

Photo by Val Vesa on Unsplash

Driving in a Snowstorm
by Marilyn R Wilson

Sliding and skidding
Turning circles on slippery roads.
The brave but also foolish
Ignored the deep snow loads.

Whether demanded or misguided
They took at dangerous chance.
Backed out slowly and gently,
Drove off in a snowy expanse.

The roads were clogged with cars
Stalled, damaged, out of gas.
Those still moving creeped slowly,
Keeping moving took serious brass.

The radios blared stay home.
Yet the roads were all full.
No respite for drivers.
Chaos reigned, nary a lull.

As I sit at my desk
Pondering drivers in low gears,
Do they regret their decision?
Must have aged them many years.
