Day 8 of the Phoenix Poetry Challenge offers the inspiration of pruning the tree so that it can grow healthy, tall, and well-balanced. Again this this is a metaphor for life. What do you need prune from your life? It is again a two poem day.
The seedling's root were buried
by Marilyn R. Wilson
The tiny sapling was sheltered
Hidden safely under the branches
Of two enormous giants.
It was safe and secure
But that came at a price.
The lush undergrowth offered
A feast of plenty.
But little was leftover
After the two giants finished feeding.
And the rays of nourishing sunlight
Were watery and thin in the shade.
One day came a forester
Who noticed the tiny sprout.
Out came a small spade
And clear plastic bag.
He gently dug out the root ball
And lifted the sapling out.
Trembling fearfully and afraid,
The sapling froze with fear
And sank deep within to hide.
The unknown yawned with dark threat
Oblivious, the forester hummed softly
As he gently carried his treasure home.
The seedling's root were buried
In a large vessel of crumbly soil.
Out came frightful clippers that cut
Wrecking havoc on its soul.
A little wire then was twisted
Around the branches that remained.
Placed on a shelf of honor
Outside on the deck,
The sun rays rained luxuriously.
Perhaps all would be okay.
The little tree stood up taller
Spread it's limbs out in welcome.
A week passed, a month passed,
The years flew by peacefully.
The pruning continued.
But now it was welcome.
Each snip, each repotting
Created a bonsai of great beauty.
Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash |
Letting Go
by Marilyn R Wilson
Growing up there was always
Enough food on the table
But always just enough
With nothing extra to save.
There were clothes in my closet
Most sewn by my mother
Or handed down from others.
The used underwear I rejected.
One pair of good church shoes,
One other for the chaos of outdoor play.
A single pair of eyewear
That had to last years.
Leaving home in my late teens
The burden of scarcity came with me.
Food was never shared, just hoarded.
Clothes bought at bargain bin sales.
Truth arrived unexpectedly.
My heart swung open wide in joy.
My world shifted with just three words.
"I am enough."
Searching deep I found truth.
Time to let go of my bondage to
Great lack and black despair
And instead embrace my strengths.
My soul now rises upward,
My vision is focused and strong.
The veil of scarcity has now been lifted.
My heart echoes this truth daily.
'I am enough......"
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