Phoenix Poetry Challenge Day 2 - Open Doors and New Chapters

For the second day of the Phoenix Poetry Challenge, I am to write two poems inspired by the theme of Open Doors and/or New Chapters. Interesting. I have to admit I was feeling fuzzy brained today so it took awhile for a few ideas to arise.

Photo by Jan Tinneberg on Unsplash

My Pogo Stick Arrived
by Marilyn R. Wilson  

My life plodded along.
Predictable and oh so normal.
I worked hard, pursued dreams,
Taking one step after another.

Around me there were those 
On a different journey.
One that reminded me of my
Crazy neuro-divergent mind.

Like my ADD thought waves
Their journey pogo-sticked forward
Skipping fluidly over small stops.
Leaping effortlessly into the future.

I yearned to embrace a journey
That sync'd so well how I thought.
Step after step I moved forward
Future's siren calling to me relentlessly.

Slowly I kept doing the work. 
Brick by brick I created my dream.
Until the day I became a great asset
Magically my pogo stick arrived.

With it came a pair of wings.
I could leap high and then soar.
Australia opened wide its arms.
The birth of an event called. 

Smiling as I walked onto the plane
I remembered my despair and longing.
Pogo stick in hand, wings spread,
I released the darkness to find a new home.

= = = = 

From Mother to Writer
by Marilyn R Wilson

For more than a decade
The role of mother and wife
Consumed me completely.
I chose these roles.
They brought me joy.
Surrounded me with family.

Then my no longer young'uns
Began to stand on their own.
Strong and independent.
At a loss and needing focus
I perused the want ads.
One leapt off the page.

A New York City magazine
Looking for submissions.
I had no resume, no skills,
No industry knowledge.
But bursting with ideas.
Emailed ideas with expectation

I was utterly floored when
An email came saying yes.
Knowing nothing, I began.
Interviews dates booked,
Willing photographers found.
Models organized - whew

I faced my first interview
Wrought with fear and self doubt.
Trembling, I pushed record,
And began simply.
Where were you born?
What followed was magic.

Two hours late it ended.
Covered in goosebumps,
I walked out into a world
Where the sunlight glittered.
My heart pulsed with excitement.
I had found my purpose.

Hearing others share their story,
Their joy, pain, love, and loss,
Had proven to be my passion.
I was meant to bear them witness,
Record them for posterity.
Then give them wings to fly.
