Feeling Lost Isn't All Bad

While perusin
g several books the other day I stumbled across an idea about feeling lost that peaked my interest. The picture painted was one of feeling lost as being a positive sign that you were growing in a good way.  Could this be true?  The idea was interesting enough to occupy my thoughts for several days. 

Feeling lost is actually a sign you are becoming more present in your life, you're living less in the narratives and more in the moment… - 101 Essays that Will Change your life. 

As I considered it, I let my mind wander to other phrases that looked at this subject from different angles.  They all feature the idea that transformation is not a comfortable process. In fact it can be downright painful at times. Trials by fire happen more than we wish. After recently going through a period like this, I found myself regularly taking and releasing deep breaths while hoping there would be a period of smooth sailing before I faced another such trial.

There is
no question that challenges are a part of growing and learning.  Failures are simply lessons along the way.  Facing them with courage and an open mind allows us to gain the most. When we let go of expectations and stay present, the universe can lift us higher and open our eyes even wider. Difficult times can help us re-commit to our current passions, or open the door on a new directions we never dreamed of.  

This all sounds great on paper, but what about the emotional burden of these experiences. Being immersed in a dark time with no end in sight is never fun.  It is an ordeal that challenges us to the core.  During challenging moments, the connections we have made become very important. Reach out to those you have chosen to hold close and embrace their love and support.  Spend some time in a quiet space each day to calm your mind and to help you stay fully present despite the onslaught. Allow yourself to let go of long term goals for the time being, and pull your focus in tight.  Take each day one step, one moment, one breath at a time.  

It's important to remember feeling down is just that - a feeling. It is a temporary emotion in response to your current situation. And it doesn't mean your entire life is a train wreck. Conflicts with friends, medical issues, threats to your economic health, and problems your kids are experiencing are just a few of the events that you can slam up against, leaving you in a dark place. 

The older
I get, the easier it has been to remember these moments do actually pass. However, they are still never fun to deal with. I react physically and it can take days to pass. Coming out the other side, I try to do something nice for myself, something that brings a smile. After, when I feel fully back on a firm foundation and ready to move forward, I find a few quiet moments to go over what happened.  This where lessons learned, growth experienced, and new possibilities reveal themselves.  

I wish I never had to go through those dark times.  And I fully admit sometimes I create them by being stubborn and not listening to my heart.  Yet I can't think of one trial by fire I faced that didn’t end with a positive note to offer.  I hold onto that knowledge and focus on it each and every time I find myself faced with another dark time.  I simply breathe, rest, and move forward one step at a time until it passes.  
