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Fellow Traveller
The path stretched off into the distance,
As far as the eye could see,
And even further past the horizon.
Scattered along the way
Souls could be seen journeying.
Sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly,
And even sometimes moving backward
To try to find a lost treasure.
A few seem to travel together.
But most move forward in isolation,
The distance between too far to close.
Why? None of them were sure.
They just accepted it as their fate.
Sometimes their burdens were heavy.
In pain they shouldered them bravely,
Moving one plodding step after another.
Other times their load was light
And their pace quickened with joy.
Those times were but a brief respite.
When they rested they spoke.
Words flowed outward into
The emptiness around them
Tales were spun of great wonder,
Deep sorrow and passionate love.
But their stories drifted away aimlessly
As there was no one to hear.
One day things shifted.
A traveler appeared amongst them,
With an open heart and a curious mind.
She drew them together and
Encouraged them to speak.
While their tales flowed outward
She stood silently, simply listening,
Bearing witness to the stories offered,
To their hard earned deep wisdom,
To their tears and laughter and sorrows.
When they finally quieted, in return,
The traveller began to quietly share.
Offering the gift of her experiences in return.
After all their stories were offered,
And a deep silence ensued.
The traveler gathered all the stories to her.
She reached deep into her knapsack.
And drew out hundreds of tiny wings.
Some gossamer, some showy, all unique.
Each personal tale was adorned with a pair, then.
As if on cue, all the wings began to flutter.
The traveler tossed them all high into the air.
Story after story hovered briefly,
Getting their bearings. Picking a path.
Then off they flew in every direction
Seeking the broken spirit that called them.
When the last winged words of wisdom
Disappeared off in the distance,
The traveler turned with a smile.
She thanked them all for sharing freely
Their experiences and hard earned wisdom.
Then step by step she began to move forward.
Slowly all began walking in sync with her,
Holding space for each other.
Offering a shoulder to share burdens.
No longer alone and unheard,
They journeyed united as fellow travellers
Sharing each others joys and sorrows,
Wings bearing their stories far and wide.
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