Overwhelmed Writer Rescue: Boost Productivity, Improve Time Management, and Replenish the Creator Within by Colleen M. Story
Loreena's Gift (fiction) Review HERE!
Synopsis -
Find the time, energy, and confidence to make your creative dreams come true.
Do you feel like you’re always behind? Do less important tasks frequently flood your schedule and sink your creative motivation? Are you frustrated and out of touch with your inner artist?
After 20 years experience in the writing industry, author Colleen M. Story extends a lifeline to pull you out of the sinking swamp of “busyness” and back into the flourishing creative life you deserve.
Today’s demands on writers and other creative artists are overwhelming. Not only must you produce the work you love, but build and maintain a platform and market your finished products to the world—all while holding down a day job and/or caring for a family.
You teeter on the edge. What waits on the other side are burnout, exhaustion, and a complete loss of creative motivation.
"Overwhelmed Writer Rescue" provides practical, personalized solutions to help beginning and experienced writers and other creative artists escape the tyranny of the to-do list to nurture the genius within. You’ll find ways to boost productivity, improve time management, and restore your sanity while gaining insight into your unique creative nature and what it needs to thrive.
Ultimately, you’ll discover what may be holding you back from experiencing the true joy that a creative life can bring.
Review -
As a writer, I truly struggle at times to get through projects. It always takes me twice as long as it should - sometimes more. So I couldn't wait to start reading Overwhelmed Writer Rescue.
At first I wasn't sure if this book would have what I needed as in the beginning she shares her personal difficulties with find productive time to write in a schedule that was stretched way too thin. I have the time, I'm just not using it effectively. However, as soon as I began reading, I found myself there on the pages time and time again. The reach of this book is quite wide in terms of topics and I loved that she took the time to find proper research to quote that backed up what she was sharing. It wasn't just her ideas, she included studies to bring the message home.
There were several crucial to my case specifically, but of all she shared the one that quickly rose to the stop was this The schedule I used when a running a magazine and writing for others has become a habit that is built into my day. It still worked okay when I changed my focus to just writing. But now that I also do SEO for 2 companies and have a variety of things I have taken on for fun, this schedule no longer serves me well. It leaves my writing at the end of the list by which time I lack motivation, am tired and honestly can't do my best work. So it just doesn't get done. It's hard to change habits, but somehow I need to make this happen NOW.
This is just one single tidbit in a book chock full of information and tips to move forward. I chose to read it as an ebook, but realize I am going to have to get a hard copy. I'll be going through this one again, taking notes and marking pages. And I just want to say - this book is not just for writers. The principles shared here really relate to anyone with time management and/or procrastination issues.
Buy the Book: Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble ~ Add to Goodreads
Meet The Author -
Great author interview HERE!
Colleen M. Story has worked in the creative writing industry for over twenty years. Her novels include "Loreena’s Gift," an Idaho Author Awards first place winner, New Apple Solo Medalist winner, Foreword Reviews INDIES Book of the Year Awards winner, Reader Views award finalist, and Best Book Awards finalist; and "Rise of the Sidenah," a North American Book Awards winner and New Apple Book Awards Official Selection.
As a health writer, she’s authored thousands of articles for publications like "Healthline" and "Women’s Health;" worked with high-profile clients like Gerber Baby Products and Kellogg’s; and ghostwritten books on back pain, nutrition, and cancer recovery. She finds most rewarding her work as a motivational speaker and workshop leader, where she helps writers remove mental and emotional blocks and tap into their unique creative powers.
Colleen is the founder of Writing and Wellness (writingandwellness.com), a motivational site helping writers and other creative artists maintain their physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being throughout their careers. Sign up for your free weekly email containing tips for living your best creative life at: www.writingandwellness/newsletter.
To find more information on Colleen and her work, please see her website or follow her on Twitter. She loves to hear from readers—feel free to use the “contact” form on either her website or Writing and Wellness to get in touch with her.
Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter
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After 20 years experience in the writing industry, author Colleen M. Story extends a lifeline to pull you out of the sinking swamp of “busyness” and back into the flourishing creative life you deserve.
Today’s demands on writers and other creative artists are overwhelming. Not only must you produce the work you love, but build and maintain a platform and market your finished products to the world—all while holding down a day job and/or caring for a family.
You teeter on the edge. What waits on the other side are burnout, exhaustion, and a complete loss of creative motivation.
"Overwhelmed Writer Rescue" provides practical, personalized solutions to help beginning and experienced writers and other creative artists escape the tyranny of the to-do list to nurture the genius within. You’ll find ways to boost productivity, improve time management, and restore your sanity while gaining insight into your unique creative nature and what it needs to thrive.
Ultimately, you’ll discover what may be holding you back from experiencing the true joy that a creative life can bring.
Review -
As a writer, I truly struggle at times to get through projects. It always takes me twice as long as it should - sometimes more. So I couldn't wait to start reading Overwhelmed Writer Rescue.
At first I wasn't sure if this book would have what I needed as in the beginning she shares her personal difficulties with find productive time to write in a schedule that was stretched way too thin. I have the time, I'm just not using it effectively. However, as soon as I began reading, I found myself there on the pages time and time again. The reach of this book is quite wide in terms of topics and I loved that she took the time to find proper research to quote that backed up what she was sharing. It wasn't just her ideas, she included studies to bring the message home.
There were several crucial to my case specifically, but of all she shared the one that quickly rose to the stop was this The schedule I used when a running a magazine and writing for others has become a habit that is built into my day. It still worked okay when I changed my focus to just writing. But now that I also do SEO for 2 companies and have a variety of things I have taken on for fun, this schedule no longer serves me well. It leaves my writing at the end of the list by which time I lack motivation, am tired and honestly can't do my best work. So it just doesn't get done. It's hard to change habits, but somehow I need to make this happen NOW.
This is just one single tidbit in a book chock full of information and tips to move forward. I chose to read it as an ebook, but realize I am going to have to get a hard copy. I'll be going through this one again, taking notes and marking pages. And I just want to say - this book is not just for writers. The principles shared here really relate to anyone with time management and/or procrastination issues.
Buy the Book: Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble ~ Add to Goodreads
Meet The Author -
Great author interview HERE!

As a health writer, she’s authored thousands of articles for publications like "Healthline" and "Women’s Health;" worked with high-profile clients like Gerber Baby Products and Kellogg’s; and ghostwritten books on back pain, nutrition, and cancer recovery. She finds most rewarding her work as a motivational speaker and workshop leader, where she helps writers remove mental and emotional blocks and tap into their unique creative powers.
Colleen is the founder of Writing and Wellness (writingandwellness.com), a motivational site helping writers and other creative artists maintain their physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being throughout their careers. Sign up for your free weekly email containing tips for living your best creative life at: www.writingandwellness/newsletter.
To find more information on Colleen and her work, please see her website or follow her on Twitter. She loves to hear from readers—feel free to use the “contact” form on either her website or Writing and Wellness to get in touch with her.
Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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