Poetry - Chaos

Photo by Slav Romanov on Unsplash

by Marilyn R. Wilson

There are periods of peace
Where I am immersed
In a hidden pool of calm.
Warm and relaxed,
No thoughts, no goals,
Only luxurious solitude.

Other times chaos bubbles up.
Swirling energy, pedal to the metal.
Mayhem reigning supreme.
Silence a pipe dream.
Most interesting to me is
This is often a choice.

Emerging from quiet, I'm ready
To dive into new challenges,
Fly off on wild adventures,
Embrace time with my loved ones,
Transform my abode,
Fling open beckoning doors. 

All or nothing seems to be
The reigning motto in my journey.
I retreat, I heal, I nourish my soul.
Then off I race, full steam ahead
Ready to expand and grow
With no plan or pacing.

Is life better served by simply
Walking with a steady gait?
Experiencing stillness and adventure
Smoothly and evenly?
No matter as the answer will
Most likely allude me.

When calm drops by
It's a balm to my soul.
When chaos comes calling
I dive in and swim for my life.
Ebb and flow, ebb and flow.
Alternating like tides.

This is my life journey.
