Resonance - Energy - Frequency

I was listening to a recording the other day where they shared the following phrase - "...the resonance of peace, energy of calm, and frequency of love." I missed the rest of what was said as I pondered this enigmatic phrase. Something within in me responded. I was instantly curious.

Whether written or said aloud, I find the word resonance beautiful. It refers to a quality in a sound which is deep, full, and reverberating. The world today is so lacking in peace, both outwardly and inwardly.  Words of chaos and conflict bombard us daily. In contrast, an image arises as I say the resonance of a peace (a calm or serenity) that rings deep, full and reverberating. 

In my mind I see peace as an ornate, deeply toned gong. Mallet in hand, I step up to it and, with reverence, strike it hard.  The deep, full sound of peace rolls out across the landscape, echoing in every nook and cranny.  Smiles appear on faces. Conflict falls to the wayside. The clouds part. The sun basks the countryside in warmth. Voices are raised in song. Yes, I know this is fanciful, but it the image that arises when I read the resonance of peace.  Perhaps one day peace won't feel so unachievable.

The energy of calm is an intriguing phrase.  I tend to equate calm with silence and inactivity.  The energy of calm sounds like a contradiction. How can you be calm and be vibrating at the same time?  One definition of energy suggests feeling full of life and power.  Can one feel full of energy and still be in a state of calm?  The answer is yes.  It takes letting go of how we have come to view the concept of being full of life and power.  

When I know I am on track and moving in the right direction, there is a sense of calm knowing that fills me. This state  also embodies confidence and purpose. There is no need to try to make it happen as I am in a flow state, riding the wave forward. I can relax into the journey as it unfolds. The state of calm energy will come and go. Other times showing up and the doing the work will be more challenging. I make sure I take notice when the I am experiencing the energy of calm, and express gratitude for the experience. 

Frequency of love is probably the easiest for me to embrace. We feel love when it surrounds us. We notice when it is absent. Love arrives like a tsunami, overwhelming us with its intensity. We ride the wave - swimming, diving deep, and relaxing in it's embrace.  But when the wave is gone, we feel a great yearning and mourn its absence.

Frequency can also refer to how often something occurs.  A goal I have that I hope others do as well, is to embrace love as often as I can, create an environment for love to flourish, and be a source of love for others.  Needless to say, I am not perfect in any way and fail at this often.  This is a lofty goal that I will be working towards my entire life.

How do these concepts -  resonance of peace, energy of calm, and frequency of love - speak to you? There is no one right answer, only the one that has meaning to you and moves you forward.
