Science of Cocktails - Celebrate the Science of Mixology (Media Preview) on January 17, 2018 events fundraiser Hapa Izakaya media Preview Prime Vodka Remy Martin Ron Ron Zacapa Rum science of cocktails Showcase Restaurant SOC Southern Comfort The Keg +
Science of Cocktails 2017 - Celebrate the Artistry of Mixology and the Science Behind it! on January 27, 2017 Amber Bruce BoldLove Chris Enns Culinary Capers Emelle's Catering events Jason Laidlaw Maker Labs mixology science of cocktails science world Showcase Restaurant Sysco Trevor Kallies. Gez McAlpine +
Science World's Science of Cocktails - February 4th on January 18, 2016 charity chemist Clare Chanley Creative Mornings events fundraiser Jessie Kaur Jessie Kaur Media kindness mixologist mixology physicist science science of cocktails science world Vancouver +