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Disruption by Chuck Barrett on December 20, 2016 Amazon Audible Barnes & Noble book review books chuck barrett discruption iread book tour mystery politics suspense thriller +
Interview with Chuck Barrett, Author of Disruption on December 20, 2016 Amazon Audible author Barnes & Noble chuck barrett disruption interview iread book tour mystery People political suspense techno thriller thriller +
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Interview with Ginny Fite, Author of No Good Deed Left Undone on December 15, 2016 author author interview Ginny Fite interivew iread book tour No Good Deed Left Undone People +
No Good Deed Left Undone by Ginny Fite on December 15, 2016 Amazon Barnes & Noble book review books fiction Ginny Fite iread book tours murder mystery No Good Deed Left Undone +
Blanche Macdonald Grad Fashion Show - Neon Dreams 2016 on December 10, 2016 #BlancheWorld #NEONDREAMS2016 blanche macdonald events Fairmont Hotel Vancouver fashion design grad fashion show hair Kelseyanna makeup Neon Dreams Nobasura +
Bloodmoon - Book 3 in the Bloodmark Saga Trilogy by Aurora Whittet on December 06, 2016 Amazon Ashling Aurora Whittet Barnes & Noble Bloodmark Saga Trilogy Bloodmoon books iread book tours Saga Trilogy werewolves YA YA fiction +
Bloodrealms - Book 2 in the Bloodmark Saga Trilogy by Aurora Whittet on November 30, 2016 Amazon Ashling. werewolves Aurora Whittet Barnes & Noble Bloodmark Saga Trilogy Bloodrealms books iread book tours Saga Trilogy YA YA fiction +