The Monkey House (Book #3 in the Donnie Ray Cuinn series) by Boyd Taylor on January 26, 2018 book review books Boyd Taylor Donnie Ray Cuinn fiction humor humour iread book tours mystery political fiction politics satire The Monkey House thriller +
Science of Cocktails - Celebrate the Science of Mixology (Media Preview) on January 17, 2018 events fundraiser Hapa Izakaya media Preview Prime Vodka Remy Martin Ron Ron Zacapa Rum science of cocktails Showcase Restaurant SOC Southern Comfort The Keg +
The Antelope Play (Book #2 in the Donnie Ray Cuinn series) by Boyd Taylor on January 17, 2018 book book review books Boyd Taylor Donnie Ray Cuinn fiction humor humour iread book tours mystery political fiction politics satire The antelope Play thriller +
Interview With Boyd Taylor - Author of Hero, The Antelope Play, The Monkey House and Necessities on January 08, 2018 adult fiction author author interview Boyd Taylor fiction Hero interview iread book tours Necessities People political political thriller The antelope Play The Monkey House +
HERO (Book #1 in the Donnie Ray Cuinn series) by Boyd Taylor on January 08, 2018 adult fiction book book review books Boyd Taylor Donnie Ray Cuinn fiction Hero iread book tours political political thriller satire thriller +
Twofer Murder by Lauren Carr on January 05, 2018 adult fiction Amazon book review books fiction Goodreads iread book tours Lauren Carr mystery police procedures suspense thriller +