Vancouver Fashion Week S/S 16 Tuesday - Zorana Janjic, Maaji Swimwear, Matt Hui and Viviano Sue on September 30, 2015 Aldo Blushing Designs Ed Ng fashion Harry Leonard Maaji Matt Hui Peter Jensen RV designs Sam Stringer Vancouver Vancouver Fashion Week VFW Viviano Sue Zorana Janjic +
It All Began With A Blushing Design Skirt on July 14, 2015 Aldo Also Shoes Arbutus Club Blushing Boutique Blushing Designs DIY garden party Ladies Who Lunch Maria Kritikos Michaels Richmond Centre Mall Shelley Klassen Vancouver +
Project Runway Season 13, Ep. 1 - The Judges Decide on October 25, 2014 Aldo Best Western International Brother Sewing design Episode 1 fashion Julie Bowen Lexus Mary Kay Nina Garcia Project Runway Red Robin runway Samsung Season 13 Tim Gunn Zac Posen +