Memories from the 33rd World Congress on Dance Research! on January 11, 2013 5678 showtime Autism CID conference. international dance counsel dance therapy Greece kindness moving peace People World Congress on Dance Research +
Tis The Season To Give Part One! on November 15, 2012 Autism Cerebral Palsy charity dance dance therapy developmentally disabled donations fundraising kindness Morri-Lynn Buchanan random acts of kindness world dance championships +
In Honour of Morri-Lynn on September 28, 2012 Autism dance teacher dance therapy developmentally disabled. dance schools Morri-Lynn Buchanan People solo special needs turnout flexibility World Dance Conference +
Defying the Odds on October 12, 2010 Aspergers Autism Autism Apergers and More Oh My Cerebral Palsy charity conductive ed Fund Raising People premature prism lens glasses +