EFWA 2018 Upcycling Challenge Interview With Tracy Kim of Trixed Up on August 26, 2018 australia designer interview EFWA Upcycling Challenge fashion design interview People Perth Port Doublast recycle reduce reuse Tracy Kim Trixed up upcycling +
EFWA 2018 Upcycling Challenge Interview With Jane Ziemons of Melaleuca Rise on August 24, 2018 australia eco fashion week australia EFWA Upcycling Challenge EFWA2018 Jane Ziemons Melaleuca Rise People Perth recycle reduce reuse upcycling Upcycling Challenge +
Vancouver Sustainable Fashion Designers (VSFD) - Painting Waste by Varvara Kronberg Zhemchuzhnikova on May 22, 2018 designer eco eco fashion El Kartel fashion fashion design fashion designer Painting waste recycle reduce reuse sustainable sustainable fashion Varvara Kronberg Zhemchuzhnikova +
KPU Wilson School of Design - Iris Chau of Fjord Boy on May 07, 2018 Fashion Show Fjord Boy grad show Iris Chau KPU Kwantlen Polytechnic University Our Social Fabric recycle reuse runway Students sustainable fashion upcycle Wilson School of Design +