International Fashion Gala 2022 - Meet VCAD Design Students Komal Chharahhan, Sabrina Laprise and Sarah Arkinstall on November 09, 2022 2022 DavidChen design event fashion fashionevent fashionshow gala IFG internationalfashiongala mustsee tickets Vancouver vancouverclub vancouverevent VCAD +
Vancouver Fashion Week SS23 Interview With Dryden Sereda of Sereda (Vancouver) - VCAD Graduate and Winner of the Nancy Mak Award on October 27, 2022 fashion fashionevent fashionshow fashionstudent fashionweek interview nancymakaward runway sereda ss23 Vancouver vancouverfashionweek VCAD VFW womenswear +
VCAD - ONwards Fashion Show on November 30, 2013 Croatian Community Centre Evan Ducharme events grad fashion show La Biosthetique Natasha Campbell ONwards Peter Jensen runway Tasha E. Vancouver College of Art and Design VCAD vladimir markovich +