Tiny Choices Create a Life on January 03, 2025 choices creation future inspectorgamache inspiration journey Life lifechoices louisepenny onemoment Other picture pointillism possibilities the greywolf thewholepicture +
Poetry - The Answer on July 12, 2024 answer beat boredom challenge creation enthusiastic joyful need poem poems poet poetry poets pride rhyme rhythm soul storytelling writer writing +
Phoenix Poetry Challenge Day 3 - The Phoenix Fire on January 19, 2024 burden burnaway creation destruction fire freedom inspiration joy metaphor phoenix phoenixchallenge poem poetry poetrychallenge soar trialbyfire +
For A Star to be Born... on December 04, 2023 becoming birth change collapse creation crumble cycle destruction difficulties growth journey learn lifejourney Other personalgrowth rebirth rise star universe +
The Illusive Finish Line on April 28, 2023 artist author block creation creativeprocess creatives editing fight finish finishline impossible mantra Other overwhelm perseverance possible showup welldone work writer +
The Reluctant Entrepreneur on October 24, 2022 artist author balance business creatingahabit creation creativity entrepreneur findingbalance freelancewriter habit Other reluctant writer +
Poety - The Three Faces of Creation on April 28, 2022 artist challenge creating creation dothework ideas inspiration laboroflove passion poem poetry rewriting showup writersblock writing +