A New Year Begins on January 16, 2023 2023 birthday dreams goals happybirthday heart hopes intuition leapoffaith Life mantra map newdirections newyear opportunity Other roadmap +
What Are You Running Away From, or Running Towards? on December 26, 2022 caught deadend decisions fight flight future intuition negative Other positive running runningaway runningtowards standstrong worthit +
If It Feels Wrong Don't Do It on July 25, 2022 feeling feelswrong innervoice intuition norightorwrong Other personalgrowth quietspace quietyourmind right selfdoubt socialpressure Support trust trustyourintuition wrong +
30 Day Writing Challenge Day #21 - When Frustration and Discouragement Rear Their Ugly Heads on April 30, 2020 30 day writing challenge anxiety change discouragement frustration heart heart led hit the wall hitting the wall inspiration intuition letting go listen to your heart new directions Other +