Entrepreneurs and COVID-19 - Interview with Alyson Jones of Alyson Jones & Associates (West Vancouver) on April 12, 2020 adapting business change counselling counselling serivice covid19 covid19 interview entrepreneur entrepreneur interview entrepreneurs helping clients interview People social isolation +
Entrepreneurs and COVID-19 - Interview with Jenny Yen of Two of Hearts Boutique on April 09, 2020 adapting Business and covid19 change Corona Virus Covid-19 entrepreneur entrepreneurs entrepreneurs and covid19 fabric masks face masks fashion fashion designer People social isolation +
Museums & Attractions You Can Visit Virtually From Self-Isolation! on April 08, 2020 art art galleries attractions Extinction Rebellion galleries Lorenzo Beleguer museums social isolation virtual tour virtual visit +
30 Day Writing Challenge #15 - Changes in Socializing, We CAN Still Connect on March 19, 2020 common sense exposure Facetime get togethers limit exposure Other pandemic self isolation Skype social distancing social isolation Whatsapp zoom +