
VALT 2016 Night 1 - Theme: VISION - "To see, to be blinded, or to have a glimpse into or an idea of the future."

VALT2016 at 5: More than a Handful of Entertainment and Talent

VALT 2016 - Kieron Rhys Lillo, Emcee for the Opening Gala

VALT 2016 Interview with Harrison Oswald, Emcee for VOLUME

VALT 2016 Interview with Dixie Delight, Emcee For VOICE

VALT 2015 - Nathan McLean, Emcee for Aquatica

VALT 2015 - Tristan Risk, Emcee for Celestia

VALT 2015 - Kieron Rhys Lillo, Emcee for Terrestria