
Bits and Pieces: My Mother, My Brother, and Me by Whoopi Goldberg (Audio Book)

Breaking Old Patterns is Hard

The Importance of Creating New Memories

Poetry - A Christmas Tree of Memories

There's Magic in the Air

Bound by Poor Decisions

Poetry - Ghost Friends Forever

Poetry - Simply Be...

My Thoughts on Family and Loss in Haiku

The Story of a Portrait

Up on the Roof - Memories from my Childhood

A Story From My Closet #6 - Lise Parton, My Dancing Queen Shoes

Every Day is a Poem Writing Challenge Day #7 - Use Your Memories

A Story From My Closet #5 - Kimm Brickman Pineau, This Coat!

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 5 - I Think I'm Missing the Girly Gene

Through the Looking Glass - My Mum